Feeling stuck in the gym, sick of throwing darts at your nutrition, and ready to make a change?

Helping dedicated gym-goers break through plateaus💪🏼

Are YOU Ready To Run Your Off Season Properly?

Gain Muscle? Crack The Top 3 At Your Next Show?

Check Out Our Team's Results!

We make significant gains without overwhelming you with complicated routines that take too much time.

Our 90 Day Pro-Body Program is designed to rescue dedicated gym-goers from their frustrating plateaus and lack of progress,

without compromising health and lab markers to get to the stage.

Do these sound familiar??

Trust us we know, being competitive athletes ourselves, we understand the challenges that come with dieting down for the stage, and reversing to a healthy improvement season.

We have been in the exact position you are in now.

Feeling stuck

Gut isses

Not getting stronger

And neglecting health markers to get to that ultimate goal.

This is why we created our tried, tested and proven mechanism that works for athletes just like you.

Our Pro Body Program

Our 3 pillars to get you out of the cycle of not knowing if you're eating too much or not enough over and over again.

We are focused on utilizing foods that work FOR YOU, and revamping your metabolism so that you can get stronger in the gym in order to truly see the muscle gain you NEED to see in order to be competitive.

Check Out Our Pro Body Program Designed for Helping Dedicated Athletes Like YOU:

Enhanced Metabolic Revamp

Our innovative approach is designed to enhance your metabolism and elevate your energy levels. This ensures that your body effectively utilizing the nutrients you consume for the purpose of improving in the gym.

We eliminate the guesswork from day one to establish a baseline and then habit stack to guarantee to the results we want to see.

Strength and Intensity Progression Model:

Tailored uniquely for you to improve your lacking areas and bring your most competitive physique to the stage.

Whether you're a brand new competitor, or a seasoned athlete this will ensures you achieve twice the results in half the time.

Remember, it's not about doing more; it's about training smarter!


With three additional layers of accountability, we guarantee that your queries will be addressed, you'll always have a guiding hand by your side, and the days of losing motivation and deviating from your path will be behind you.

All of your programming will be issued through our custom Klassic Coaching app to keep things sleek and simple.

Transform with confidence and continual support!

Check Out What Clients Have to Say:

Discover a Lasting Transformation with Our Unique 4-Phase Approach:

1. The Revitalize Phase:

In this initial stage, we tackle creating a metabolic baseline and hormonal imbalances to ensure we don't throw spaghetti at the wall and hope it sticks in our second phase.

2. The Refinement Phase:

At this juncture, we anchor a fresh metabolic baseline and guide your body increasing strength and performance to guarantee the muscle gain we want to see.

3. The Dial-In Phase:

Here, we focus on shedding body fat without any stringent constraints. Revel in a competitive, LEAN physique without risking longevity in the sport.

4. The Reverse Phase:

Here, we focus on reversing calories back up from our lowest and leanest so we can maintain a positive body composition while re-gaining strength, health markers and feeling GOOD to run a productive off-season, and enjoy LIFE.

Meet The Team

COACH C- Head Coach & CEO

Hey there! Welcome to Klassic Coaching.

I'm Coach Connor, your CEO & Founder. I was in college for a degree in Mechanical Engineering is when I really found his love for fitness and bodybuilding. I graduated in 2017 from Merrimack College, and then spent several years working in different post-grad engineering jobs and project management.

I've competed in 11 amateur shows and in 2021, on my first attempt on a national stage, I won my IFBB Pro card in Classic Physique

Since then, I founded Klassic Coaching where I serve my clients and team full-time. My passion is helping clients to feel good in their skin and combat issues through homeopathic approaches.

I am located down in Tampa and have been inspired by some of the best in the industry, but if I'm not at the gym you can catch me by the pool or at a concert. My favorite free meal is my grandmother's ham and cheese potatoes and I never turn down something Italian.

Summer Meer, Co-Founder & COO

Hey! Pumped you're here!

I am the co-founder of Klassic Coaching & if you're inquiring to join the fam, you're probably chatting with me! I run in the background of Klassic Coaching ensuring that everything on the receiving end is working as well as it can for our clients, and striving to keep our community engaged and growing!

I hopped into the fitness industry about five years ago and have competed in the bikini division ever since. After facing some hefty health consequences from over dieting, I am extremely passionate about creating a safe, health conscious environment for females so that you don't burn the candle at both ends while pursuing your dream physique.

Looking forward to chatting some more and learning about your goals!


Hi my name is George Gottuso. When I’m not helping people crush their physique goals, I’m in the hospital working full time as a critical care nurse keeping people alive.

My mom is a competitive bikini athlete and attending her first show is where I sparked my interest for the sport. Watching the bodybuilders on stage was something that I wanted to work for.

However, being so young I never had the proper guidance to build a physique like that. Fast forward 4 years, I hired a coach, started doing my own research and educated myself on the tools needed to be successful as a bodybuilder. Now, five years later, I am still learning new things to better myself as well as provide more value to my athletes.

I started coaching because I saw the gap in the bodybuilding community- uneducated individuals coaching people without taking any considerations for the clients health, which is why I began coaching. I take a different approach in my coaching style to optimize health during all phases as a competitor or lifestyle athlete.

The results are what I fell in love with while coaching- seeing an individual's mindset shift in the time we work together is so rewarding to me. Then followed by the physique changes was just an added bonus during this entire process.

Will You Take The Next Step To A Better You Just Like These Athletes?

Who came to us a world-record holding powerlifter, wanting to transition to bodybuilding in her 40s.

Within 2 years she was able learn how to train in a completely different style, and get to her first bodybuilding show as a lifetime natural.

She won her pro-card in her first show ever, all while eating into the show.

Zach came to us with a solid base he already built through college with a desire to turn things into a more serious direction and build a competitive physique.

Now he is prioritizing his focus in the gym to bring up lagging body parts while maintaining a leaner body composition and gaining strength the entire time.

Stacy wasn't unfamiliar with training or nutrition when he came to us, but had been off the wagon for a little bit. He hopped right into getting his food consistent, and overall just making better decisions, especially around his lifts.

In time, he learned how to really push himself harder in the gym and within 4 months he was walking around with a completely different physique!

Austin came to Klassic wanting to be a bodybuilder despite working the oil field- an extremely taxing and demanding job where he is constantly on his feet and working 10+ hour days.

Without a single excuse ever laid out and a year plus of good communication and relentless commitment, Austin is RIGHT ON TRACK to getting on stage!

By setting expectations, outlining how communication would need to be handled, and keeping a good coach/client relationship, Austin has been able to EXCEL in his first year of this sport where most people would have quit!

Copyright @ Klassic Coaching All Rights Reserved.

Individual results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are by real people, and may not reflect the typical purchaser's experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.